This project is abandoned. I would suggest something like.. or OpenKeyval. thxx! ~paul irish. 2011.10.20
JSON-P DB utilizes Google App Engine's datastore in order to provide a persistent warehouse for arbitrary JSON objects that are made easily accessible from client-side javascript code via JSON-P.{"foo":"bar","baz":9}&callback=func
Response: func('agNpZWRyDQsSB2NvbnRhY3QYAQw'); (item key is unique to this object)
Response: func({"foo":"bar","baz":9});
Pass an empty object.{}&callback=callbackFunc Example:{}&callback=func
Response: func([{"foo":"bar","baz":9},{"foo":"bar2","baz":10}]);
Pass an object that to match against. Example{"foo":"bar2"}&callback=func
Response: func([{"foo":"bar2","baz":10}]);
Create an object | |
Store your object: | |
Response: |
Retrieve your object by key: | |
Response: | |
Retrieve all objects of a specific type: | |
Response: |
Retrieve based on criteria: | |
Response: |
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